
Change your top-up agreement

You can change and customise your top-up agreement for your Rejsekort in Self Service.

Log in to our Self Service.

Use a username and password or MitID.

Select 'Top-up agreement'

You can find 'Top-up agreements' in the menu on the left. Here you can see your top-up agreements.

Select 'Details'

Click 'Details' on the top-up agreement you want to change.

Select 'Change'

Once you are in your top-up agreement that you want to change, click 'Change'.

Make changes

Now decide which changes you want to make. You can change;

  • Amount
  • Balance
  • Number of daily top-ups

Click 'Save' when you have made your changes.

Pop-up message

Once you have received a pop-up message, the change is booked.

Please note that it can take up to 5 hours for the top-up agreement change to be transferred to Rejsekort from equipment at stations and up to 24 hours for it to be transferred on bus journeys.